Electric Vehicle Blog Two of Five – The Pickup!

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The Electric Vehicle Shop and Handover – So, a Sunday lunchtime (not morning as I suggested) with an unshaven look to go through the paperwork and have the vehicle handed over which was a very easy no sell experience. As the purpose of the shop is to promote the concept of using electric and currently hybrid vehicles they have a range of different vehicle brands to choose from.

There was a Volvo, Renault and Nissan to see plus others outside to drive including other Mitsubishi’s.

A young lady took all my details and took me to the car and to check before a handing it over, I was also offered a test drive – if you have never driven an electric vehicle (which I confess I hadn’t) to have no engine sound at all to start with is a bit strange but something I got used to very quickly, so you might want to take up the test driver offer before launching yourself on the road.

The other thing I wasn’t expecting is how quickly the (engine braking) vehicle slowed down without brakes. The acceleration too was really good and probably better than my A6 2.0 tdi.


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