It’s been a while since I last shared my thinking. These past 8 months have been busy for me both in business and in sport. It has been so refreshing to hear that our clients are experiencing growth and feel optimistic, yet cautious about the future.
In my opinion, this cautious yet confident outlook is largely due to their fear of complacency. I have noticed a real focus from the leaders I work with to make sure complacency does not creep into the teams they lead. They all have a common culture of growth, from a personal and business perspective.
It was this fear of complacency that at the end of 2021 – I know a long time ago now! – I decided to commit to various goals. The achievements I wanted to deliver for both my business and my sprinting in 2022. I thought it would be good to reflect on the process and progress.
The Specialists
Once the goals were set, my first thoughts at the time were to think about the Team that supports me. And, the Team I could dip in and out of, to draw on their knowledge and skill in those moments of need; or as I like to refer to them as, The Specialists. The right person, at the right time with the right skillset to deal with the situation. The person who can help me maximise the opportunity ahead.
If we take my sprinting as an example, the principles are the same for my business goals. After deciding to focus on two track & field championships, and the realisation of not being good enough for consideration for the Commonwealth Games. I settled on the European Masters indoor championship in Braga and the Maters GB & NI outdoor championships.
Within my core team, I have two coaches in @Mike Leonard (Speed) and @David Millett (Hurdles and Agility); a training partner in Dr George Gavriel; and fellow athletes from my own club Marshall Milton Keynes AC and, of course, the other competitors I face.
Without the ability to dip into each component, and draw on The Specialists knowledge, skill, support, and motivation. I bring personal responsibility and commitment. I may not improve my performance, or reach the goals set. The road ahead would be twice as difficult, and elements of complacency may appear, or I may just give up!
As I look back at the results achieved, it has been my best year so far as a master athlete. I finished 7th and 4th at the European Championships in individual races, while also picked up a Gold medal in the team relays. In the GB&NI Championship, I was delighted with my two Gold medals and a Silver. In addition to the medals won, I am currently leading the GB&NI age rankings in all sprints from 60m – 400m and at the Triple Jump.
The Coach
This got me thinking of two important aspects, that at times we may not fully appreciate, yet when they are in place, and we focus our effort on the main drivers, what a difference it makes to the individual and team perfromance.
Firstly, the importance of a coach and the role they play within our journey. Helping us to see or find the right path. The correct actions required to take us closer to our goals. How, through great questions they can assist in helping us adjust our thinking and approach to make sure we reach our true potential. Their ability to tap into, and help define our: purpose, commitment, engagement. Who can help us reflect on the progress we have made, or the extra effort required.
This reality check on effort, direction, and commitment is so important. We are not talking about comparing our results with pervious achievement. Rather the actions we need to deliver, so we can reach our performance potential. The What and The How, that will make the difference?
Secondly, who you collaborate and work with. Who pushes you and gets you to deliver that little bit more. Who during the day encourages you to give that extra effort that you didn’t think you had. The fellow athletes, or colleagues who are at times are your biggest motivation.
While we all will have an available network of colleagues, peers, leaders, and competitors, do we really maximise their knowledge?
The Way Forward
Do you tap into their experience and expertise that they have to offer?
Who are The Specialists that you utilize?
Don’t let complacency set in, it has a dreadful ability to creep up on you.
Reach out and engage with a coach today.
Paul Canning
01327 831371
GMD People